Washington Lawyer - Business Law, Construction Law, Liquor Law Attorney, Spokane, WA Law Office Of John Pierce
Computer systems analysis and consulting
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Admitted in:
  • Washington State
  • US District Court - Easter District of Washington
  • Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
  • United States Supreme Court

Cost effective, secure, practical, and functional computer systems solutions for small firms

Are you looking for a IT solution where your computers work for you instead of the other way around?

Don't be fooled by looking only at what is available in the big box stores, and don't allow yourself to be forced into purchasing a one-size-fits all solution. While the basics are the same for most businesses, each one has unique requirements -- especially in the legal sector.

Before you invest in a hardware and software that may or may not fit your needs, spend a small amount of time with a computer systems professional who can guide you into making cost-effective choices that are tailored to your business. I have 10 years of experience implementing and supporting Windows and Linux-based operating systems and servers. In addition to being a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer since 1999, I have owned and operated Linux file, mail, database, and Internet servers since 2000. I also operate a law practice, so I know what solutions work best for me with document management, e-discovery, scanning and storing of electronic documents, mail system management, and implementation of ultra-secure networks to prevent information leaks.

If you are looking for a computer systems solution that is tailored to your needs, I look forward to working with you.

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer Powered By Apache Ubuntu Linux
OpenBSD Linux Penguin OpenBSD Ramblo
Microsoft SQL MySQL Postfix Redhat Linux



New Hours!

I am temporarily changing my practice hours to part-time to accomodate homeschooling. I remain available for both new and existing clients, and welcome any inquiries or cases.


New Server!

My longtime data host decided to go belly up during the COVID19 crisis. The website and email is now on a new secure server. Please let me know if you experience any technical difficulties while I rebuild the data.



Law Office of John Pierce, P.S.e
PO Box 330
Cheney, WA 99004

J. Pierce Law Office
224 Second St., #330
Cheney, WA 99004
T: +1.509.210.0845


Contact me by e-mail at john@lawps.com.

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Viewing of this website, sending information, or use of any information provided herein does not create an attorney-client relationship.



© The Law Office of John Pierce - http://jpiercelawoffice.com

Spokane Washington lawyer focused on providing personalized legal services, businesess services, and technology consulting services tailored for individuals and small to mid-size businesses.
Practice areas include: Business Law, Business Acquisitions and Sales, Business Formation, Incorporation and Corporate Law, Limited Liability Company Formation, Partnerships, Wine Law, Wine, Beer and Liquor license law, Internet and Technology law, Business Transactions consultation and facilitation with Contracts, Buy-Sell Agreements, Secured Transactions, Commercial Sales, Construction law, Commercial litigation, Real Estate and Property laws, Bankrupcty, Creditor Rights, Intellectual Property, Patents, Trademarks, and general Business Attorney services.